Architectural Requests

Before beginning any exterior home improvement project, or any project affecting the exterior of your home, you should consult both the Master Declaration and the Rules and Regulations of the Hyland Greens Association by clicking on the links below:

How to Submit an Architectural Request

If you are making any exterior changes, please see the instructions below. Please follow the link to submit your Architectural Request. You will no longer have to submit a pdf of the request. Please fill out all of the information through this link:

Architectural Request FHG  

When submitting your request please include as much detail as possible. For example, if you are wanting to paint your home, please attach the paint samples indicating which of your color choices are for the body, trim, and accent.

General information needed for approval: location, color, material, size, etc.

Please be advised you must enter your email address when submitting your request. You will receive your answer, whether approved or denied via email.

Please understand that it may take up to 30 days for a response to your submission.

For emergency Architectural Requests, please call (303) 221-1117, ext. 112 or email

For more information about roofing requests, please refer to the following documents:

Approval Process

Once your form is submitted, it will go through the following process for approval. Each step requires at least two approving signatures of the Architectural & Covenant Committee (ACC) members and may require the review and approval of the Board of Directors prior to commencement.

  1. Preparation and Submittal of the REQUEST FOR ARCHITECTURAL CHANGES form by homeowner.

  2. Initial assessment and review by the ACC members for compliance to the Covenants and the Rules and Regulations. Including but not limited to the following projects: roof replacement; exterior paint; exterior siding; fence replacement (additions);

    • Project does not appear to violate COVENANTS and RULES AND REGULATIONS and does not require further review for preliminary approval.

    • Architectural & Covenant Committee shall inspect and issue a final “AS-BUILT” Approval upon inspection of each completed project. (see note #1 below)

    • Project does not appear to violate COVENANTS and RULES AND REGULATIONS and has been scheduled for initial review by HGHOA Board, at the next regular meeting of the board.

    All projects that are not immediately categorized as qualifying under the above approval process shall be subject to the following guidelines:

    • Project may violate COVENANTS and RULES AND REGULATIONS and has been scheduled for initial review by HGHOA Board, at its next regular meeting. The Board invites the Home Owner proposing the project to attend the meeting and address concerns and comments of the Board.

    • Project appears to violate COVENANTS and RULES AND REGULATIONS and does not qualify for Approval as proposed. Home Owner is requested to either meet with at least two of the ACC members to review alternative solutions or submit revised plans for preliminary approval. Home Owner has the right to present any project to the full Board for review at any regular meeting.

  3. Issuance by ACC of Letter of Preliminary Approval to construct project as submitted and approved.

  4. A. Notice to ACC of Construction Start date; to be received by the ACC a minimum of 24 hrs in advance of actual start date.

    • Submittal of any “material” changes to plans, to allow ACC review and approval.

  5. Notice to ACC of project completion, providing access as needed to final review by ACC.

  6. Issuance by ACC of Letter of Final Approval and Conformance.

Note #1. All projects are subject to the final approval of the ACC Committee which may include the Board of Directors before the project will be considered as “ACCEPTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COVENANTS, BYLAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS”.

How to appeal an Architectural Covenant Committee (ACC) decision

If you received a denial on an ACC submittal, you may appeal that decision to the entire Board of Directors. After receiving your denial, please contact LCM Property Management at (303) 221-1117, ext. 112 or and let them know you would like to appeal. You will be put on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled board meeting. You may attend in person to state your case or you may submit a letter. If you are providing additional documentation on the matter, it is best to submit it to the board prior to the meeting so they may have time to review it.