Easter Egg Hunt
More details coming soon, but we’re planning to put out around 3,000 eggs for neighborhood children to collect!
Pool Fobs Available
After May 1st you can email hylandgreenshoa@gmail.com to arrange to get pool keys. The first key to a homeowner is free. The 2nd key or replacement keys are $30 cash. Only two active keys will be allowed per house.
Polar Pool Plunge
Do you really love soaking in cold water, need a good way to impress your children, or a bad way to impress a date? Come jump in a really cold pool!
Pools Opening
Big and small pools will be open to all neighborhood residents and their guests.
Neighborhood Garage Sale
Sell your stuff alongside your neighbors and take advantage of the extra neighborhood traffic.
Pierogies Factory Food Truck
Get some food from a truck while you can! After this it’s back to eating out of your kitchen, car, a restaurant or neighbor’s house. You can find food trucks elsewhere; they do travel. But why go to all that work? Get some truck food here while you still can!

Dog Swim / Big Pool Closes
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