About the Hyland Greens Newsletter
The Hyland Greens Newsletter is created each month, February-December, as an informational resource for residents of Hyland Greens in Westminster, Colorado. Residents may subscribe via the link at the very bottom of the page. Past issues of the newsletter are available on the Forms & Documents page.
Letters to the Editor or other Submissions
Residents may submit letters to the editor to be included in the next newsletter. Please submit your letter to All submissions must contain your name, address and email/phone number and are due by the 15th of the preceding month. Only your name will be printed with your submission. Address, phone, and email will not be included unless specifically requested. Submissions may be edited to maintain privacy and appropriateness (no profane or vulgar language).
Lost and found submissions can be placed in the newsletter at no cost to the homeowner.
Advertisement in the Hyland Greens HOA Newsletter
Resident and non-residents may advertise in the newsletter. Advertisements are due by the 15th of the preceding month for which they will be published. Please submit advertisement requests to Hylandgreenshoa@gmail. Advertisement in the newsletter is not an endorsement for products or services.
Ad Rates
Per Issue
1/8 page
$10 (Non-resident)
$15 (Non-resident)
1/4 page
$20 (Resident)
$25 (Non-resident)
1/2 page
$35 (Resident)
$40 (Non-resident)
Full Page
$40 (Resident)
$50 (Non-resident)
Per 11 Months (only available for ads paid in advance)
1/8 page
$88 (Non-resident)
$132 (Non-resident)
1/4 page
$176 (Resident)
$220 (Non-resident)
1/2 page
$308 (Resident)
$352 (Non-resident)
Full Page
$352 (Resident)
$440 (Non-resident)